Treatment of industrial process water
BIO-UV Group provides operators with the ability to secure their production
Industrial process water refers to water used for processing operations or product manufacturing in industrial facilities. Most industrial process water is used in the supply process and represents the largest amount of water used at these industrial sites.

Treatment of industrial process water
The treatment of industrial process water is essential and follows strict standards.
This water must be continuously treated and purified in order to avoid the development of bacteria. BIO-UV Group‘s water purification devices (ultraviolet and Ozone) meet these needs and are ideally suited to treat these waters.
Our company provides operators with the ability to secure their production and ensure satisfactory water quality for their business.

The advantages of BIO-UV Group reactors for the treatment of industrial process water
- Process easy to implement, which does not modify the physical and chemical characteristics of the water.
- No creation of disinfection by-products harmful to human health.
- No risk of under or over dosing.
- No constraints on tracking and handling of chemicals.
- Possible alliance with other treatment processes (filtration, softening…).
- Advanced oxidation treatment (Ozonation).
Discover our systems for the treatment of industrial process water
BIO-UV range
For automatic UV treatment of industrial process water.
Depending on the country, refer to the necessary and compulsory certification (s) for the choice of the range.
triogen® range
Find the complete triogen® range for the treatment of water in aquaculture and fish farming
triogen® range
Find the complete triogen® range for UV and Ozone treatment of industrial process water