Ultraviolet treatment of municipal water
An efficient and natural water treatment system
BIO-UV Group reactors are used to disinfect raw water (from boreholes, catchment areas, etc.) and to guarantee compliance with the bacteriological quality limits of the water in accordance with the standards in force, before it is distributed in the drinking water supply networks.
UV-C reactors can also be used:
➥ to limit the use of oxidising biocides.
➥ to treat specific microorganisms (Cryptosporidium, Giardia).
BIO-UV Group solutions are ACS UV certified in application of article R*.1321-50 (I and II) of the public french health code: our systems comply with the conditions of marketing and use of reactors equipped with ultraviolet radiation lamps used for the treatment of water intended for human consumption.

Operation of UV reactors on drinking water
Water can cause diseases related to the presence of micro-organisms such as Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Legionella. For water to be microbiologically safe, it is essential to treat it by removing all the micro-organisms it contains.
Our UV technology is an effective and natural answer to water disinfection: it destroys pathogenic bacteria without altering any of its physical and chemical characteristics.
No chemicals are added and the water quality is optimal with no risk of legionella.

The advantages of BIO-UV Group reactors for drinking water treatment
• An environmentally friendly treatment that is effective as a supplement to chlorine.
• Simple systems to implement and operate.
• Devices that comply with government requirements.
• Physical treatment without altering the organoleptic properties of the water.
• Economical investment and operation.
• ACS UV certificate issued by the EUROFINS Expertises Environnementales laboratory (DW & BMP ranges from BIO-UV Group).
• Enhancement of the image of municipalities concerned about their environment.
Discover our drinking water disinfection solutions
BIO-UV municipal water range
For automatic UV treatment of municipal water. *
* depending on the country, the regulations require certification. In France, ACS UV certification is required in accordance with the ministerial decree of October 9, 2012 (see BMP & DW range).