Water treatment for collective pools by AOP
An innovative process combining the disinfection and oxidation properties of Ozone, UV and Hydroxyl radicals
What is AOP (advanced oxidation process) ?
Triogen® AOP technology is a water treatment process that combines Ozone and Medium Pressure Ultraviolet Light (MP-UV). The destruction of residual Ozone with UV light forms hydroxyl (OH-) radicals which are highly reactive and hence extremely short lived – leaving no chemical residual whatsoever. The combined power of Ozone, MP-UV, and OH- radicals provides triple-action treatment for hard to remove contaminants such as Chloramines and other residual nasties commonly found in public pool water, keeping your water cleaner and clearer than ever.
This best-in-class technology harnesses the benefits of UV, Ozone, and Hydroxyl radicals for the highest pool water quality and clarity, in a plug-and-play system that removes the need for separate deozonation.
The triogen® AOP is the result of 30 years of experience in water treatment – now updated for the 21st Century with MP-UV, new HMI, and simpler service and maintenance

The benefits of AOP Clear
- Unparalleled and rapid removal of organic and inorganic pollutants not removed by Ozone or UV alone.
- Combines the benefits of Ozone, UV, and Hydroxyl radicals to provide the highest quality and clarity of water.
- Offers safe lowering of free chlorine residual through the inactivation of chlorine resistant organisms.
- The UV light will photochemically destroy any residual ozone in the water, removing the need for deozonation equipment.
- Reduction of Chloramines and Trihalomethane levels, reducing irritation of skin, eyes, and respiratory system.
- Designed for maximum operator and bather safety .